Sabahattin Ali
Sabahattin Ali

--Buhran fena, halimiz ne olacak bilmem!
--Ah bir harp çıksa!
--Delimisin be!
--Neden? Biz harbe karışmayız. Umumi harpte tecrübesini gördük. Bu sefer bitaraf kaldık mı, sat harp eden milletlere yumurtayı, sat tavuğu, sat buğdayı, bak buhran filan kalıyor mu?

Paula Fox
Paula Fox

There was an echo in the air, a peculiar pulsation as of interrupted motion. Of course, it was the hour, the light, her fatigue. Things sat in it, dark and very still. Sometimes I felt I was living in a house at the bottom of the sea.

Havada bir eko vardı, hareketin kesintisinden kaynaklanan tuhaf bir nabız adeta. Saat, ışık, yorgunluğuydu, tabii ki. Her şey karanlık ve

sessizliye uydu. Bazen denizin en derinindeki bir evde yaşadığımı hissettim.

Kheryn Callender
Kheryn Callender

I didn’t know what to do. I just sat there and watched, feeling completely helpless. I guess that’s kind of what I’m still doing, even seven years later.

Alan C. McLean
Alan C. McLean

One day in December 1955 Rosa Parks got on the bus to go home and sat in a seat at the front. There were three other black people sitting near her. More and more people got on the bus, and soon there were no more seats. White people had to stand. The driver stopped the bus and asked the black people at the front to give their seats to white people. Three of them stood up but Rosa Parks stayed in

her seat.
Rosa belonged to the NAACP, a black civil rights group, and she knew her rights. She refused to get up.

Erol Sakallı
Erol Sakallı

Nice yıllık dostum idin, bilmez idin iktisat, Siyasetten anlamazdın, beklemezdin bir fırsat.
Ne e zaman tüccar oldun, pazarda dost satarsın?
Ücretimi ben vereyim, dost de, beni, bana sat !

Dilek Erarslan Ünal
Dilek Erarslan Ünal

BES sektöründe sahada, banka şubesinde ve yönetici sıfatıyla çalışmış biri tarafından gerçek anıların anlatıldığı İLK ESER dir.
At gözlüğü takmış atom karınca gibi çalıştığım yıllardan sonra,
- Durdum ve kendime sordum:
- Sat sat nereye kadar?
- Verdiğim en güzel cevap:
- Kalbinin attığı yere kadar!

R.F. Kuang
R.F. Kuang

“Say whatever you want,” he said. “At least we’re not Speerly trash.”
She was so shocked that she couldn’t think of a good response. Nezha stalked out and slammed the door shut behind him.
Kitay whistled under his breath. “Lovers’ spat, you two?”
Rin’s face suddenly felt terribly hot. She sat down beside Kitay and busied herself by pretending to fiddle with the

cow intestine. “Something like that.”

Emile Bronte
Emile Bronte

She tried to stand up, and at last he turned towards her. Then suddenly, she was in his arms again and they were both crying. Heathcliff carried her to the nearest chair and sat down, with his arms around her.

John C. Hulsman
John C. Hulsman

“Crowning its victory in the Cold War, the American Republic sat atop an economic, diplomatic and military power base rivaling that of the Roman Empire.”

Şihâb en-Neyrîzî
Şihâb en-Neyrîzî

Ömer bin Abdülaziz'e (r.a.) oğlunun bin dirhem değerinde bir yüzük satın alıp kullandığını haber verdiler. Oğluna şöyle bir mektup yazdı:
"Bin dirheme bir yüzük satın aldığının haberini aldım. Onu sat ve parasıyla bin aç insanı doyur. Ayrıca demirden üzerinde "Allah, kendi nefsinin değerini bilene rahmet buyursun." yazısı olan bir mühür yaptır.