Guillaume de Saluste Du Bartas
Guillaume de Saluste Du Bartas

For where's the state beneath the firmament
That doth excel the bees for government?

Josh Billings
Josh Billings

I hate grate talkers; i had rather hav a swarm of bees lite onto me.

Hermann Bondi
Hermann Bondi

The kind of lecture which I have been so kindly invited to give, and which now appears in book form, gives one a rare opportunity to allow the bees in one's bonnet to buzz even more noisily than usual.

Alice Borchardt
Alice Borchardt

Thats the trouble. all i wanted was a tumble in the hay. oh, boy, i said. ill bet that cute thing is fun and games. what he doesn't know about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees, i can sure teach him

Jean Cocteau
Jean Cocteau

You’ve never seen death? Look in the mirror every day and you will see it like bees working in a glass hive.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

A people is not capable of governing itself. It ought to be governed by its elite. Namely, through that category of men born within its bosom who possess certain aptitudes and specialties. Just as the bees raise their "queen" a people must raise its elite. The multitude likewise, in its needs, appeals to its elite, the wise of the state.

Gerald Cohen
Gerald Cohen

Certain contemporary overenthusiastic market socialists tend, contrariwise, to forget that the market is intrinsically repugnant, because they are blinded by their belated discovery of the market's instrumental value. It is the genius of the market that it (1) recruits low-grade motives to (2) desirable ends; but (3) it also produces undesirable effects, including significant unjust inequality. In

a balanced view, all three sides of that proposition must be kept in focus, but many market socialists now self-deceptively overlook (1) and (3). Both (1) and (2) were kept in focus by the pioneering eighteenth-century writer Bernard Mandeville, whose market-praising Fable of the Bees was subtitled Private Vices, Public Benefits. Many contemporary celebrants of the market play down the truth in

the first part of that subtitle.

Henry Constable
Henry Constable

As the birds do love the spring,
Or the bees their careful king

Nathalia Crane
Nathalia Crane

The very serpents bite their tails; the bees forget to sting,
For a language so celestial setteth up a wondering.

Will Cuppy
Will Cuppy

The Ancient Egyptians considered it good luck to meet a swarm of Bees on the road. What they considered bad luck I couldn't say.