Aaron Peirsol
Aaron Peirsol

Swimming took up so much of my faculties, and for so long, I was willing to give it everything.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul

I took a whole stunt course and pretty much got certified as a stunt driver. It's ridiculous how easy it is once you understand the car and know how to do it.

Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers

The beauty of our country is that when it was founded that they took some time to lay out civil liberties in the first 10 Amendments - the Bill of Rights. I'm a firm believer in those civil liberties and the ability to have your own opinion.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

My parents took me to see plays, starting from when I was very little. Oftentimes, I was too young to understand. I don't know what my parents were thinking - 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf' when I was eight years old, that kind of thing. So lots of times, I didn't understand what was going on, but I just loved the sound of dialogue.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

When I was starting out, William Goldman took me under his wing, and he's still the person I show pages to.

Aaron Staton
Aaron Staton

I never wore a single fedora filming 'L.A. Noire.' It took about an hour and a half to do the hair - it was a very precise process.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Aaron Taylor-Johnson

'Pulp Fiction' was probably one of the first films I ever saw that really kind of took effect on me. I was about four years old - obviously wasn't supposed to be seeing that film; my sister kind of sneaked it out and we got to see it. She's older than me. That was something I always used to watch.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Aaron Taylor-Johnson

I was lucky enough, when I was younger, to have the chance to do as much as possible, and I found what I wanted to do. I did swimming, gymnastics, kickboxing and the one that took off more than the others was acting.

Abbey Clancy
Abbey Clancy

I love doing girly stuff with my mum or with Sophia. I took Sophia and a couple of her friends to the Hello Kitty spa. They had chocolate facials and Hello Kitty mani-pedis. I put it on my Twitter and got lots of abuse for it, but I think it's just a nice girly thing.

Abdullah Ibrahim
Abdullah Ibrahim

They took away time, and they gave us the clock.