Anthony Bourdain
Anthony Bourdain

I'm not looking to freak people out - eating rodents or bugs. I don't do that anymore.

Anthony Storr
Anthony Storr

With the exception of certain rodents, no other vertebrate except Homo sapiens habitually destroys members of his own species.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Things I am allergic to: people who believe in star signs and think nothing of starting a conversation with: 'Hi, my name's Lucy. I'm a Sagittarius;' rodents (apart from miniature hamsters, which are not in fact rodents but small, breathing, brown balls of cotton wool); and people who go to the gym.

Claudia Winkleman
Claudia Winkleman

Rodents are pests and not pets, and anything that manically runs around a wheel 24/7 and occasionally has 19 babies in the middle of the night should not be brought into the house.

Ethan Embry
Ethan Embry

I always play these rodent type characters - skittish and hyper like a chipmunk. It's a complete act though. I'm a very normal person.

Joan Jett
Joan Jett

I do not knowingly kill any living thing - including insects or rodents - and I thank my food for sustaining me.

Julia Garner
Julia Garner

I hate rodents. I cannot stand rodents. I couldn't even watch 'Ratatouille,' which is an animated film.

Julian Clary
Julian Clary

Rodents can come across as being quite vacant in the personality stakes.

Liz Truss
Liz Truss

I hate rodents. I mean, the House of Commons is completely infested. I will stand on a chair if I see one of the things.

Romulus Whitaker
Romulus Whitaker

Years ago, it was pretty hard to get people to empathize even a little bit with scaly, cold-blooded critters; now, thanks a lot to good PR from television, it is easier to get the message of reptile conservation and tolerance across. We have a lot to be thankful to reptiles for, not the least of which is their control of rodents.