Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

I have always wanted to make a series of films which would be like an 'emotional history' that conveys what it feels like to live through history as an experience rather than a grand story. It would be about the relationship between the tiny fragments and moments of personal experience, and the continual backdrop of big events.

Adam Draper
Adam Draper

Energy and bitcoin work really well together because you can pay out in micro-transaction units. As the energy gets used, they pay out, and it's by the kilowatt rather than by the month.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

The opposite of an underminer is a supporter. When colleagues are supportive, they go out of their way to be givers rather than takers, working to enhance our productivity, make us look good, share ideas, and provide timely help.

Adam McKay
Adam McKay

Arnold Schwarzenegger cut teacher's salaries and parks and libraries rather than raise taxes for the many California millionaires and billionaires.

Adam Richman
Adam Richman

To combat the monotony of gym workouts, I started playing soccer. I looked at workouts as training sessions. My soccer training includes squats, pushups, resistance-band work, and sprints. Ninety minutes of running became part of my love of the game rather than a chore.

Adam Schlesinger
Adam Schlesinger

I just try to tell a story rather than present an open diary to the world.

Adam Schlesinger
Adam Schlesinger

For me, it's just more satisfying when you follow the rules rather than just make a bunch of sounds. The magic of just making noise in the studio goes away after a while.

Adam Scott
Adam Scott

If I'm going to be away from my family, I'd rather it be working with my friends.

Adam Scott
Adam Scott

I focused my life on things that are a little more dependable, like my family and things that actually make me happy, rather than momentary flashes of success or anything like that.

Adam Scott
Adam Scott

I mean, the acting school I went to, we did have a social experience, but you know, when it's a bunch of actors, it's everyone self-consciously having a social experience rather than just having a social experience.