Al Franken
Al Franken

Humor and seriousness are not in opposition to each other.

Al Kaline
Al Kaline

Carl Yastrzemski was the best all-around player. He could run, throw and hit. He had the ability to play a number of different positions. He signed as a shortstop. He could play the outfield, of course, and third base and first, too. He was a tremendous athlete. Mickey Mantle was unbelievable, too.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

I mean, I hate to gloat, but I'm extremely satisfied with my position in life and the way things have worked out for me.

Alan Bean
Alan Bean

We're going through all the checklist, getting in position to make the entry and all that... And I think either Pete, Dick, or I said, 'Well, I wonder how those parachutes are doing?' And then someone else said... 'Well, we'll find out in about 55 minutes!'

Alan Colmes
Alan Colmes

Almost everything I think we've accomplished for the good of the country has been because of liberals against conservative opposition.

Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz

Well, first of all, no professor should be able to say, I refuse to defend my position. I refuse to debate my position.

Alan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz

I think extremists within the base may very well move the Democratic party away from its pro-Israel position.

Alan Greenspan
Alan Greenspan

Before I met Ayn Rand, I was a logical positivist, and accordingly, I didn't believe in absolutes, moral or otherwise. If I couldn't prove a proposition with facts and figures, it was without merit.

Alan Keyes
Alan Keyes

Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in the structure, not from their relations with the people they are supposed to serve. The people are not masters of the bureaucracy, but its clients.

Alan Keyes
Alan Keyes

One individual doesn't really accept the pro-life position of the party, and the other... says he supports it and takes a position that is logically inconsistent.