Aaron Patzer
Aaron Patzer

One third of the economy goes through 'QuickBooks' in terms of businesses invoicing other businesses. Each invoice contains a connection between vendors, suppliers, and customers, and also the price of that connection. Representing the payment graph is huge opportunity and something no other company can do.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Big companies often use their leverage to take stakes in would-be suppliers, especially in the technology business.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

The act of eating is very political. You buy from the right people, you support the right network of farmers and suppliers who care about the land and what they put in the food.

Andrew R. Wheeler
Andrew R. Wheeler

We should be bolstering American energy independence and American jobs - not making ourselves vulnerable by lining the pockets of foreign energy suppliers.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Our objective should be to firmly deal with terrorism and its sponsors, financiers, and arms suppliers. At the same time, our doors should always be open for processes which would restore peace, development, and progress to societies which have been devastated by terrorism over many generations.

Brad Stone
Brad Stone

As we have seen again and again, when Amazon doesn't get the economic conditions from suppliers that it seeks, it simply goes its own way. In the book business, that has meant publishing its own titles under the various Kindle imprints. Now it's making diapers.

Chris Murphy
Chris Murphy

We have a long, proud history of making things here in Connecticut. We're home to large companies like Electric Boat, Pratt & Whitney, and Sikorsky, as well as their thousands of suppliers.

Daniel Yergin
Daniel Yergin

The bulk of extra supplies that could be put into the market come from two places. One, they come from other Persian Gulf suppliers, of which Saudi Arabia is at the top of the list.

David E. Sanger
David E. Sanger

American officials sometimes dig into corporations because they are suspected to be witting or unwitting suppliers of technology to the North Koreans or the Iranians.

Debra L. Reed
Debra L. Reed

Our long-standing philosophy that our diverse suppliers must provide high-quality goods and services at competitive prices adds great value to our business.