Anne Stevenson
Anne Stevenson

My earlier poems were sadder than my poems are today, perhaps because I wrote them in confusion or when I was unhappy. But I am not a melancholy person, quite the contrary, no one enjoys laughing more than I do.

Annie Besant
Annie Besant

Jeremiah is a most melancholy prophet. He wails from beginning to end; he is often childish, is rarely indecent, and although it may be blasphemy to say so, he and his 'Lamentations' are really not worth reading.

Antonio Tabucchi
Antonio Tabucchi

Eco sees the intellectual as an organizer of culture, someone who can run a magazine or a museum. An administrator, in fact. I think this is a melancholy situation for an intellectual.

Arielle Dombasle
Arielle Dombasle

I have a taste for a kind of melancholy and for being an absolute victim of love.

Baruch Spinoza
Baruch Spinoza

One and the same thing can at the same time be good, bad, and indifferent, e.g., music is good to the melancholy, bad to those who mourn, and neither good nor bad to the deaf.

Benjamin Clementine
Benjamin Clementine

I personally wouldn't want my second album to sound like my first; it might sound very rocky or hard rock - and that wouldn't be melancholy. So if people think my music is melancholic, then so be it. It's meant to be uplifting, and I'm just basically saying what needs to be said.

Chantal Kreviazuk
Chantal Kreviazuk

I'm not writing just about melancholy stuff anymore, I made a point to cover a wide range of emotions.

Charles Hazlewood
Charles Hazlewood

Purcell is a composer who had a formative influence on British music - even The Who now cite him as an influence. There's an intense, dirty harmony, but there's a Louis XIV kind of elan and style, too. He had the melancholy DNA of our national folk heritage.

Charlie Hunnam
Charlie Hunnam

I was a slightly melancholy child and I think films were a way of escaping for me.

Charlotte Caffey
Charlotte Caffey

There's definitely sadness happening in this band. I get melancholy every day about things.