Herbert Croly
Herbert Croly

American history contains much matter for pride and congratulation, and much matter for regret and humiliation.

Ingrid Betancourt
Ingrid Betancourt

When you have a chain around your neck, you have to keep your head down and try to accept your fate without succumbing entirely to humiliation, without forgetting who you are.

Ivan Krastev
Ivan Krastev

Germany, because of the fact and the perception of a special relationship with Russia, is the only one who can influence Russian debate. Russians also believe that Germans understand them best because they've been through a big war and know what humiliation means.

James Buchan
James Buchan

Losing your capital is like losing your trousers. It is a real humiliation, and one not to be soon repeated.

Jane Campion
Jane Campion

Performers are so vulnerable. They're frightened of humiliation, sure their work will be crap. I try to make an environment where it's warm, where it's OK to fail - a kind of home, I suppose.

Joe Morton
Joe Morton

I've never liked much of reality television, mostly because it involves humiliation.

John Boyd Orr
John Boyd Orr

Some wars have been due to the lust of rulers for power and glory, or to revenge to wipe out the humiliation of a former defeat.

John Frusciante
John Frusciante

What really helps me is being able to record my albums at home - I have more fun experimenting that way, as opposed to working with an engineer, in which case I have to deal with the humiliation of doing take after take, and that can get frustrating.

John Guare
John Guare

Avoiding humiliation is the core of tragedy and comedy.

Josephine Baker
Josephine Baker

Friends, to me for years St. Louis represented a city of fear... humiliation... misery and terror... A city where in the eyes of the white man a Negro should know his place and had better stay in it.