Angel Di Maria
Angel Di Maria

That desire to win is something that's drummed into you at an early age in my country. In Argentina, you grow up watching great teams and important victories.

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly

Growing up under the heavy hand of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, it was drummed into me that attending weekly mass was not an option. It was a must to avoid eternal damnation, which was not a prospect filled with many positives. Hell fire was perpetual, and no parole would be offered.

Cherie Blair
Cherie Blair

In my youngest days, the nuns at my grammar school drummed into us that we were in this world to make it a better place - not just for ourselves, but for other people, too. So from the very beginning, I've been driven by this idea that we have to make a difference, and it's one of the reasons I went into law in the first place.

Dave Brubeck
Dave Brubeck

I was always very aware of drummers. My oldest brother Henry was a drummer, and he drummed on everything in the house from the kitchen sink to stovepipes. He was the first drummer in the Gil Evans Orchestra, so you've got to know how great he was.

Dave Clark
Dave Clark

I was at a party in Alexandra Palace tobogganing on the ski slope, got whiplashed at 40mph, put my hands out to balance myself, and three fingers got caught in the artificial snow. I broke four knuckles. I have not drummed since.

David Perlmutter
David Perlmutter

This low-fat idea that's been drummed into our heads and bellies is completely off-base and deeply responsible for most of our modern ills.

Edith Widder
Edith Widder

Exploring is an innate part of being human. We're all explorers when we're born. Unfortunately, it seems to get drummed out of many of us as we get older, but it's there, I think, in all of us. And for me that moment of discovery is just so thrilling, on any level, that I think anybody that's experienced it is pretty quickly addicted to it.

Jacki Weaver
Jacki Weaver

When I was seven, I wanted to be Esther Williams. I was drummed out of Brownies because I snuck off to the cinema to watch an Esther Williams festival - my greatest wish if I get to Hollywood is to meet her.

James Polshek
James Polshek

I had it drummed into me from an early age that personalizing everything was not a good thing. Besides, I don't think that kind of commodity-driven system makes for the most productive architecture.

Jane Fallon
Jane Fallon

One thing that was drummed into me when I was younger is that you have to make your own way in life, that you mustn't expect anyone else to support you.