Jim Jefferies
Jim Jefferies

My girlfriend buys stuff from Trader Joe's, and it's just subpar. When you buy a burrito, it crumbles the way a proper burrito shouldn't. Everything's just crap there.

John Updike
John Updike

My golf is so delicate, so tenuously wired together with silent inward prayers, exhortations and unstable visualizations, that the sheer pressure of an additional pair of eyes crumbles the whole rickety structure into rubble.

Lucas Neff
Lucas Neff

To be honest, I can't wait to be a dad. I really hope that that's how the cookie crumbles for me.

Luvvie Ajayi
Luvvie Ajayi

I have no love for those who consider themselves 'good people' but stand idly by as the world crumbles around them. It's not enough to personally not do damage. If you're present as someone else destroys what's around you and you do nothing, you helped them.

Mary Berry
Mary Berry

Making your Christmas cake in September is perfect, as too fresh a cake crumbles when cut.

Radhika Apte
Radhika Apte

Certain people get an opportunity because they happen to be in the right place at the right time. It has no bearing on their talent. I don't think we should look at it and feel bitter about it. That's the way the cookie crumbles in all professions.

Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: Civil War

Zemo: An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Professor Quirrel: What is this magic?
Voldemort: Fool, get the stone!
[Harry grabs Quirrell's face, and he blisters painfully, but then crumbles from existence, a horcrux all along. There is nothing more Harry could do, but pick up the Sorcerer's Stone, until Voldemort's spirit rises from the ashes, scares Harry unconscious and flies away]


Billy Batson: Hi. Um... I was supposed to get off at 30th.
The Wizard: Billy Batson.
Billy Batson: How'd you know my name?
The Wizard: I am the last of the Council of Wizards. Keeper of the Rock of Eternity.
Billy Batson: Oh... You're... that guy. Hey, listen, I don't have any money.

The Wizard: Do not patronize me, boy!
[the Wizard strikes the ground with his staff]
The Wizard: You are standing in the source of all magic. The Rock of Eternity. Seven thrones of seven wizards. But long ago, we chose a champion. And we chose recklessly. He used his power for revenge, releasing the Seven Deadly Sins into your world. Millions

of lives were lost. Entire civilizations erased from existence.
[the Wizard walks around Billy]
The Wizard: That is why I vowed never to pass on my magic until I find one truly good person. Strong in spirit, pure in heart.
Billy Batson: Look, man, maybe this is magic, and, I don't know, but the people you're looking for, good, pure people, I'm

not one of them. I-I don't know if anyone is, really.
The Wizard: You, Billy Batson, are all I have. All the world has.
[the Wizard strikes the ground with his staff in front of Billy]
The Wizard: Lay your hands on my staff.
Billy Batson: Gross.
The Wizard: And say my name so my powers may flow

through you. I open my heart to you, Billy Batson. And in so doing, choose you as champion.
Billy Batson: Thanks.
[the Wizard strikes the ground again]
Billy Batson: Real sweet of you, mister, but I really gotta get going.
The Wizard: My brothers and sisters were slain by the Sins. Their thrones lie empty! My magic must

be passed on. Now...
[the Wizard strikes the ground again]
The Wizard: Speak my name!
Billy Batson: I-I don't know your name, sir. We just met.
The Wizard: My name is... Shazam.
Billy Batson: [chuckles] Wait, for real?
The Wizard: Say it!

Batson: Okay! Jeez.
[Billy places his left hand on the staff while the Wizard holds it with both hands]
Billy Batson: So just say it? Like... Shazam?
[Billy is struck by lightning]
The Wizard: Yes! Carry my name, and with it, you carry all my powers. The wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, the stamina of Atlas, the

power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.
[Billy gets up, now as Shazam]
Shazam: What happened to me? Why am... W-w-what did you do to me? What did you do to my voice?
The Wizard: You have been transformed to your full potential, Billy Batson. With your heart, unlock your greatest power.
[the Wizard hands Shazam

his staff]
The Wizard: The thrones of our brothers and sisters await.
[the Wizard crumbles into dust, startling Shazam as he drops the staff and grabs his backpack]
Shazam: Get me out of here!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Queen: [Passes the skeleton of a prisoner reaching for a pitcher] Thirsty? Have a drink!
[Kicks the pitcher; the skeleton crumbles and a spider skitters out]