Alice Englert
Alice Englert

I was really enjoying one of the screenings of 'Beautiful Creatures' and there was this little 14-year-old boy sitting next to me in the screening and I was laughing at all the jokes and I just felt really judged. I had to keep it down a bit. It's a bit embarrassing.

Alice Oswald
Alice Oswald

A living tree is a changing, sleeve shape, a wet, thin, bright green creature that survives in the thin layer between heartwood and bark. It stands waiting for light, which it catches in the close-woven sieves of its leaves.

Alyssa Edwards
Alyssa Edwards

I am a business owner. I'm a teacher. I think Justin's actually kind of plain, kind of nerdy. But when I morph into Alyssa, I'm like this... Well, this creature, everything that Justin couldn't be.

Amala Akkineni
Amala Akkineni

Each creature both great and small has evolved after millions of years of evolution serving an integrated and important part in the ecological balance of our Earth. Upset the balance and the consequences are disastrous.

Amber Valletta
Amber Valletta

I always feel safe with a woman photographer. I feel that no matter how they interpret something, they understand all sides of it because they are women, and women are complex creatures.

Amy Levy
Amy Levy

A lover may be a shadowy creature, but husbands are made of flesh and blood.

Andres Segovia
Andres Segovia

Among God's creatures two, the dog and the guitar, have taken all the sizes and all the shapes, in order not to be separated from the man.

Andreja Pejic
Andreja Pejic

I feel that for a lot of my career, I had success, I was adored, but I was also this alien creature. I want to show that I have the skill like any other female model, and I'm asking for the same equal treatment and equal respect as any other female model.

Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell

Self-preservation, nature's first great law, all the creatures, except man, doth awe.

Andrew O'Hagan
Andrew O'Hagan

Like children all over the world, by the age of 10 I'd come to believe that most of the really humane creatures were not really human at all.