Adam Grant
Adam Grant

Being a nice person is about courtesy: you're friendly, polite, agreeable, and accommodating. When people believe they have to be nice in order to give, they fail to set boundaries, rarely say no, and become pushovers, letting others walk all over them.

Alexander Chee
Alexander Chee

I would stay two years in San Francisco, then move to New York in the summer of 1991, for the love of a man who lived there. When I arrived in New York, I had a job waiting for me, courtesy of a bookstore I'd worked at in San Francisco, A Different Light. They had a New York store as well, and arranged an employee transfer.

Allen West
Allen West

We're told compassion comes not from generosity but from compliance. We're told kindness means raiding a man's hard-earned wages and sending them off to Washington so they - not you - may dole them out in courtesies and indulgences.

Andrea Leadsom
Andrea Leadsom

As leader of the House, I seek to do exactly that, treating all members of Parliament with courtesy and respect.

Ann Widdecombe
Ann Widdecombe

We have no blasphemy laws these days but with that freedom comes the responsibility which should always attend the exercise of free speech: truth, courtesy and an awareness of impact. It is the last of these which is so neglected by so much modern comedy.

Anthony Geary
Anthony Geary

People say 'Why would you learn Dutch? Nobody speaks it. Why not French?' Even the Dutch say that to me! I say because I want to live here, I think it's only common courtesy that I speak the language.

Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh

I have been known for my courtesy on and off the bench.

Bryant H. McGill
Bryant H. McGill

No one is more insufferable than he who lacks basic courtesy.

Cass Sunstein
Cass Sunstein

Most problems are best solved privately, not through government. There's a problem of discourtesy in the world, which is best handled through social norms, which are indispensable. But you wouldn't want the government to be mandating courtesy.

Charles Barkley
Charles Barkley

I understand the power of symbols, and if I had anything on my house that seriously offended someone, I'd take it down if for no other reason than common courtesy.