Michael Emerson
Michael Emerson

One of the first roles I every played, I was Grandpa Vanderhoff in 'You Can't Take It With You.' Walked with a cane, white stuff in my hair. It must have been horrible. Thank God there's no videotape of it.

Michael J. Saylor
Michael J. Saylor

Instead of five hundred thousand average algebra teachers, we need one good algebra teacher. We need that teacher to create software, videotape themselves, answer questions, let your computer or the iPad teach algebra... The hallmark of any good technology is that it destroys jobs.

Mike Myers
Mike Myers

I love making stuff. There's a joy in having the first molecule of an idea, then testing it in front of audiences at secret shows that people only know about the day before. I videotape those, study them, enjoy being in the character and figuring out the movie.

Noah Baumbach
Noah Baumbach

I really like my first movie a lot, 'Kicking and Screaming.' I think it's a - I'm very pleased and proud of that movie, but it wasn't the - it wasn't 'Citizen Kane' right out of the box, you know? It wasn't 'Sex, Lies and Videotape.'

Peter Bergen
Peter Bergen

The special reverence that al Qaeda had for Sheikh Rahman was underlined by a two-hour propaganda videotape that the group's media division released in the spring of 2001, when the 9/11 attacks were in their final planning phase.

Robin Leach
Robin Leach

Nothing looks as great on videotape as Hollywood after a rain.

Stephen Dorff
Stephen Dorff

They're trying to beat out this movie, the Ring, which is a similar idea. Our movie is about a website you visit and die in three days. Their movie is about a videotape you watch - and die in three days.

Tom Cotton
Tom Cotton

My heart goes out, as does every American, when I see the videotape of Jason Rezaian and Amir Hekmati and Saeed Abedini coming back to their families.

Vinnie Paul
Vinnie Paul

It doesn't matter if you load it on a DVD, if you videotape it, it doesn't matter. There's nothing more exciting than being at a live show.

The Incredibles
The Incredibles

Principal: I appreciate you coming down here, Mrs. Parr.
[Mrs. Parr looks at Dash]
Helen: What is this about? Has Dash done something wrong?
Bernie Kropp: He's a disruptive influence and he openly mocks me in front of the class.
Dash: He says.
Bernie Kropp: [to Dash] Look, I know

it's you!
[to Helen]
Bernie Kropp: He puts thumbtacks on my stool.
Helen: You saw him do this?
Bernie Kropp: Well, not real... No, actually not.
Helen: Oh. Then, how do you know it was him?
Bernie Kropp: I hid a camera.
[has the videotape, Dash gasps and looks at

Helen, glaring at him]
Bernie Kropp: And this time I got him.
[Plays the videotape of Bernie goes back into the chair. Dash puts a tack on his chair while he's sitting down. Bernie screams and students laugh]
Bernie Kropp: See? You see?
[Helen, Dash and Principal squinting their eyes]
Bernie Kropp: What, you

don't see it?
[groans, reversing the tape]
Bernie Kropp: He moves! Right there! Wait, wait... Right there! Right as I'm sitting down! I don't know, I don't know how he does it. But, there's no tack on my stool before he moves and after he moves, there's a tack! Coincidence? I think not!
Principal: Uh... Bernie?

Kropp: Don't "Bernie" me! This little brat is guilty!
Principal: You and your son can go now, Mrs. Parr.
[Helen and Dash leaving the Principal's Office, Bernie shocked]
Bernie Kropp: You're letting him go again? He's guilty! You can see it in his smug little face. Guilty, I say! Guilty! Guilty! No!