Alan Bradley
Alan Bradley

I had thought for years, probably 30 or 40 years, that it would be a lot of fun to try my hand at a classic English mystery novel... I love that form very much because the reader is so familiar with all of the types of characters that are in there that they already identify with the book.

Alan Stern
Alan Stern

We really just didn't realize the diversity of planetary types in our solar system. Pluto looked like a misfit because it was the only one we saw. And just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs are still planetary bodies. They're large enough to make themselves round by self gravity, and they surely pass the test of planethood.

Alan Stern
Alan Stern

In science, we take large numbers of disparate facts and reduce them to see patterns. We use the patterns to reduce the amount of information. It's the reason we name species and genera and families in biology. It's also the reason we have names for certain types of geological features and so on in other fields.

Alden Ehrenreich
Alden Ehrenreich

An era that I specifically like is sort of late '50s, early '60s. I guess mid '50s, too. I like these types of films that deal with post-WWII America and this more complex leading man that kind of emerges from that.

Alessia Cara
Alessia Cara

I want 'Scars to Your Beautiful' to reach different types of women. The girl I am talking about, it's me, it's you - it's every girl who has struggled with feeling not good enough. I want to talk about all the different extremes that girls go through to feel beautiful.

Alex Clare
Alex Clare

I like songs in all different genres and types. My production and songwriting is everything from pop rock to hip-hop and everything in between.

Alex Karpovsky
Alex Karpovsky

My favorite types of movies to watch as a viewer are thrillers - I really have a soft spot for them, I love them. Especially psychological thrillers.

Alex Tizon
Alex Tizon

The thing about stereotypes as we all know, there is often truth in them, but it's almost always a partial truth.

Alexander Lukashenko
Alexander Lukashenko

We have to destroy stereotypes in people's minds that Belarus can be isolated or taught a lesson.

Chris Kilham
Chris Kilham

Mistletoe, the same plant you kiss under at holiday time, may be an effective aid against certain types of cancer.