A. S. Byatt
A. S. Byatt

I am suspicious of writers who go looking for issues to address. Writers are neither preachers nor journalists. Journalists know much more than most writers about what's going on in the world. And if you want to change things, you do journalism.

A.J. Styles
A.J. Styles

I would love to tell you that it's been absolutely perfect, that I've been a man that's been super Christian. But I've had mistakes, dumb things I've regretted, so it's not a perfect life. But it's one that has helped me make better decisions.


There are certain things I want to keep to me. I don't discuss my private life.

Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan

For me, acting is not a job. It is something I love. I don't do these things for awards or rewards. I do them because I love challenges.

Aaron Allston
Aaron Allston

Luck consists largely of hanging on by your fingernails until things start to go your way.

Aaron Ashmore
Aaron Ashmore

I'm getting to be a real pro at coming into things midstream and trying to catch up.

Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter

I write about my feelings, things that happen in my life and experiences.

Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter

I would forgive my mom, but she's going to have to admit she did some things that were wrong.

Aaron Carter
Aaron Carter

People have their own opinions but sometimes with the media things get chopped up and cut around to make stories out of it.

Aaron Ciechanover
Aaron Ciechanover

To develop drugs for people, we basically dismantle the system. In the lab, we look at things the size of a cell or two. We dismantle life into very small models.