Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton

I wear make-up, and it gets a little bit thicker every year.

Eli Broad
Eli Broad

If you have poor management that's not doing the right job, you end up with unions filling the void and... page after page of work rules and thicker and thicker contracts.

Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm

As we ascend the social ladder, viciousness wears a thicker mask.

Eva Chen
Eva Chen

I finish off my manicure with Dior's Gel Coat, which has a thicker consistency than most top coats. It dries quickly and leaves your nails really shiny.


I'm trying to get a thicker skin. I like to be aware of people's perceptions of me, but when you put it as a priority, as a means to judging your worth, that's when it can be dangerous.

Francois Nars
Francois Nars

In America, when I first came here, they were used to wearing more make-up - thicker foundation, more Max Factor, that sort of thing. But you have to know who you are and what you look like: if you know yourself a little bit, you don't need to follow trends.

Frederick William Faber
Frederick William Faber

Many a friendship, long, loyal, and self-sacrificing, rested at first on no thicker a foundation than a kind word.

Georges Cuvier
Georges Cuvier

The traces of upheavals become more impressive when one moves a little higher, when one gets even closer to the foot of the great mountain ranges. There are still plenty of shell layers. We notice them, even thicker and more solid ones.

Gerard Way
Gerard Way

I wouldn't have been able to move to L.A. if I felt I was going to lose my identity as a New Jerseyian. My accent has gotten thicker since I've lived here.

Idina Menzel
Idina Menzel

The more success you get, you start to be harder on yourself or more afraid of the looking glass. You have to learn to build a thicker skin because people are paying more attention.