Alex Graves
Alex Graves

'Proof' is a really cool pilot that I was lucky enough to read by Rob Braggin for TNT that's about a surgeon who's an agnostic, tough, grounded, scientific mind and she's hired by a Steve Jobs-type who's just been diagnosed with cancer to focus on near death experiences and what happens when you die.

Alexandra Daddario
Alexandra Daddario

I'm a huge fan of Steve Martin. He's hilarious, but he has this depth to him and this way of dealing with the difficult things in life with a sense of humor that I think has helped me as an actress.

Alfred Molina
Alfred Molina

The big stars I felt a kinship with were never the romantic leads. It wasn't Steve McQueen or Robert Redford - it was people like Walter Matthau and Anthony Quinn. My big hero was Tommy Cooper.

Alyssa Edwards
Alyssa Edwards

I knew I wanted to be the Steven Spielberg of dance.

Amy Cuddy
Amy Cuddy

Technology is transforming how we hold ourselves, contorting our bodies into what the New Zealand physiotherapist Steve August calls the 'iHunch.' I've also heard people call it 'text neck,' and in my work, I sometimes refer to it as 'iPosture.'

Amy Ryan
Amy Ryan

I will admit, it's so intoxicating working with Steve Carrell. Creatively and professionally.

Amy Sedaris
Amy Sedaris

They just expected it to you know... Paul, Steve and I could have hired our own publicist, if we wanted to, but I kind of liked the way it was more of a cult thing and those that liked it, liked it, you know what I mean?

Ana Navarro
Ana Navarro

I think Steve Bannon is much to-do about nothing. I think this is a guy who wants to create his own myth.

Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell

I rejected most of the folk I was exposed to in the Seventies. I came around later to Tom Waits, some parts of Jim Croce, and a lot of Cat Stevens.

Chris Hardwick
Chris Hardwick

Steve Martin said that philosophy is good for comedy because it screws up your thinking just enough, and I agree with that. Being forced to see life's metadata is good training for looking for interesting angles on a topic.