Bad Bunny
Bad Bunny

I don't want to be fake. I'm just being me. And I have the power to break stereotypes and whatever useless rules that society puts on us.

Bhumi Pednekar
Bhumi Pednekar

I want to always break stereotypes. It is fulfilling as an actor to be able to do that, especially when you see people and the audience loving it.

Bill Goldberg
Bill Goldberg

I guess I blow all the stereotypes right out of the water.

Brandon Stanton
Brandon Stanton

Wherever I go, I just try to show normal life. If the work helps to dispel stereotypes, it's because I seek not to portray the extremities of a place, but the vast majority of people who are quite normal and are having normal life experiences.

Brendan Myers
Brendan Myers

For those who struggle with anti-pagan prejudices and stereotypes, Humanist Paganism might be a powerful educational tool. It can show that a pagan can be a sophisticated, cosmopolitan, and enlightened person, and that a pagan culture can be artistically vibrant, environmentally conscious, intellectually stimulating, and socially just.

Brian Tee
Brian Tee

For the most part, the roles Asians can get aren't necessarily well-rounded, and more often than not, they're stereotypes. But that's all we have. And then we see each other all the time at auditions, because we're all going for the same role. I've made a lot of friends that way.

Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen

Yeah, I had gay friends. The first thing I realized was that everybody's different, and it becomes obvious that all of the gay stereotypes are ridiculous.

Bryan Fogel
Bryan Fogel

All comedy does that. Every comedian I can think of - Larry David, Seinfeld, Mel Brooks, Chris Rock - that's where the best comedy comes from, from stereotypes.

Carrie Preston
Carrie Preston

I played the ingenue, of course, when I was young - but even with those, I tried to make interesting choices and mess them up a little bit - make them layered and complicated and not all stereotypes.

Carrie Vaughn
Carrie Vaughn

When aspiring writers ask me about how they should target their writing, I tell them to pay no attention to that kind of thing. It will restrict you. You will end up falling into stereotypes in an effort to tailor your work toward a perceived genre category.