Adeel Akhtar
Adeel Akhtar

There's part of me that would love to wear a ruffly collar and do a period drama, but that's not going to happen. You don't have Asians in those sorts of things.

Allison Schroeder
Allison Schroeder

We need more diversity - we need more African-Americans on screen, Latinos, Asians, different religions. We have to be better about reflecting what our world looks like.

Amartya Sen
Amartya Sen

People's identities as Indians, as Asians, or as members of the human race, seemed to give way - quite suddenly - to sectarian identification with Hindu, Muslim, or Sikh communities.

Amber Liu
Amber Liu

I wanted to tour the United States because I feel I owe it to the community that I grew up in. When I was growing up, the only people I saw on TV were Jackie Chan, Lucy Liu and Jet Li. Our representation as Asians wasn't big, but I wanted to be like Lucy Liu and then Maggie Q.

Amir Khan
Amir Khan

My main priorities were to fight for Britain. Not a lot of Asians get selected for this country at anything, and it's a great achievement.

Anthony Ramos
Anthony Ramos

I just feel like, especially after 'Crazy Rich Asians,' gentrification isn't affecting art. I am actually more inspired by art now than ever.

Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee

You gotta understand, there are two different kinds of Asians - the kind who are good at school, obey their parents, go to college - that kind of stuff. And then you have my family - me, my brother, all of my cousins - we're just wretched people.

Brian Tee
Brian Tee

Parts for Asians are hard enough to get, and if Tee, which sounds kind of generically Asian, helps me get roles, so be it.

Brian Tee
Brian Tee

For the most part, the roles Asians can get aren't necessarily well-rounded, and more often than not, they're stereotypes. But that's all we have. And then we see each other all the time at auditions, because we're all going for the same role. I've made a lot of friends that way.

Celeste Ng
Celeste Ng

Somewhere in the Commandments of Reviewing must be written, 'Thou shalt not compare Asians to non-Asians.'