America Ferrera
America Ferrera

Early in my career, I was really spoiled with a beautiful project. I got such a good start that I thought, 'Why would I ever take a step back?' Why would I take on something that wasn't meaningful - to me, if nobody else - and powerful and groundbreaking?

Amy Chua
Amy Chua

There's a lot of rudeness and sullen behavior and kids that are very entitled and spoiled, just buy me more stuff. I didn't want to raise kids like that.

Amy Chua
Amy Chua

Kids raised to be pampered and spoiled don't really end up being good leaders. Leaders need to be independent minded and confident.

Amy Irving
Amy Irving

Actors are not a great breed of people, I don't think. I count myself as something of an exception. I grew up in the theater, and my values were about the work, and not being a star or anything like that. I'm not spoiled in that way, and if I fight for something, it's about the work, not about how big my trailer is.

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

My mother was a very natural woman. She never spoiled herself, never wore make-up, and wore modest jewellery, but she always had a few special items for when she wanted to feel like a lady. One of those special items - and I remember it because it seemed so elegant - was her Guerlain powder.

Ann Voskamp
Ann Voskamp

Gratitude's not a natural posture. The prince of darkness is ultimately a spoiled ingrate, and I've spent most of my life as kin to the fist-shaker.

Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott

It was simple reality - most competitive tennis players in my day were privileged, spoiled, entitled and white. Also, many of them were beautiful, fit, tan and of good stock - great big hair and white teeth and long legs. Then there were the rest of us.

Anthony Edwards
Anthony Edwards

I was spoiled by theater, where there is no editor.

Charles Saatchi
Charles Saatchi

I have never cared enough about money to worry about spending it, and have been fortunate to make enough to be spoiled rotten.

Cheryl Burke
Cheryl Burke

Everyone always asks me how to get the most mileage out of a spray tan. I'm spoiled and I get a fresh one every week; but my best advice for the rest of the girls out there is to wax a day in advance of your spray tan.