Bret Stephens
Bret Stephens

People want leaders. Not ideologues. Not people whose life experiences have been so narrow that they've been able to maintain the purity of their youthful ideals. Not people whose principal contact with political life comes in the form of speeches and sound bites rather than decisions and responsibilities.

Bret Stephens
Bret Stephens

In place of presidential addresses, stump speeches, or town halls, we have Trump's demagogic mass rallies. In place of the usual jousting between the administration and the press, we have a president who fantasizes on Twitter about physically assaulting CNN.

Brin-Jonathan Butler
Brin-Jonathan Butler

While Fidel Castro used to deliver his marathon seven-hour speeches in Havana, Cubans used to joke that if Spanish lacked a future tense, their leader would be speechless. He was only fluent in broken promises, they lamented.

Bruce Eric Kaplan
Bruce Eric Kaplan

What I like about graduation speeches is that they're an opportunity for someone to make sense of their life and to impart that wisdom to someone else. It's like a sanctioned self-help moment.

Bruce Eric Kaplan
Bruce Eric Kaplan

I love graduation speeches. I have always loved them; I will always love them.

Bruce Eric Kaplan
Bruce Eric Kaplan

Graduation speeches force you to reflect. They are about consciousness. Nothing is better than consciousness.

Bruce Eric Kaplan
Bruce Eric Kaplan

I've sat through boring speeches; didn't get up and leave.

Chuck Todd
Chuck Todd

Acceptance speeches can make or break presidential candidacies. It was Al Gore's 2000 acceptance speech that relaunched his candidacy and nearly saved him. John Kerry's speech and overall ineffective convention nearly sank him in 2004 (though he was almost saved by the debates).

Claire Fox
Claire Fox

As a left-wing campaigner for 35 years, I've been arrested on picket lines, led anti-imperialist demonstrations and spoken at anti-deportation protests outside police stations. I've made speeches at street rallies, in prisons and universities and at pubs.

Clarence Thomas
Clarence Thomas

I've probably given more speeches, been on TV more than any other member of the Court - or almost any other member of the Court.