Alija Izetbegovic
Alija Izetbegovic

As far as the sovereignty of Bosnia-Hercegovina is concerned we agreed to have limited sovereignty for a limited time and that is clear from the Dayton Agreement.

Alija Izetbegovic
Alija Izetbegovic

I would sacrifice peace in order to win sovereignty for Bosnia, but for that peace in Bosnia, I would not sacrifice sovereignty.

Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce

Alien - an American sovereign in his probationary state.

Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson

The people are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the sovereign power.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I do believe that the U.K. over the years has given up a tremendous amount of sovereignty. The bureaucratic nature of the E.U., the different levels of government, the fact that court decisions in the U.K. can be appealed to a higher level of court in Europe, those are all things I don't think Canadians would ever accept for ourselves.

Andrzej Duda
Andrzej Duda

If you ask the Polish people, I believe that a vast majority of them would say they are pleased with E.U. membership, but also a majority consider very highly the sovereignty and independence of Poland - they are very attached to Polish tradition.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

No deal wouldn't return sovereignty to the U.K., it would make us dependent on a sweetheart deal with Donald Trump.

Angela Merkel
Angela Merkel

The goal of our actions is and will remain a sovereign and territorially intact Ukraine that can decide its own future.

Charles Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon

To every soul that knows how to pray, to every soul that by faith comes to Jesus, the true mercy seat, divine sovereignty wears no dark and terrible aspect but is full of love.

Chen Shui-bian
Chen Shui-bian

Taiwan is an independent sovereign country.