Andy Samberg
Andy Samberg

I'm a tearless clown. If I were to get a tattoo, it would be the two masks, and they would be both smiling.

Anna Lee
Anna Lee

Remember even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you.

Anthony Fantano
Anthony Fantano

If music ever needs FDA approval in the future, bands like this will be the reason why; Magic Kids' sugar-coated songs paint a mental picture of smiling clouds and double rainbows, with a unicorn or two tossed in for good measure.

Anthony Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez

Everyone will clearly be a bit nervous and scared before going onstage. But what I do is just remember that this is my passion. Once I get on the stage and see everyone smiling and looking at me, the joy that it brings to me makes me forget all about my nerves.

Anthony Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez

Seeing all the people smiling and laughing and clapping for me... it's such a wonderful feeling.

Charles Oliveira
Charles Oliveira

When I get in the cage I am smiling because I am having fun.

Charlie Hunnam
Charlie Hunnam

I watch these actors who when you go to buy a pint of milk you see them smiling on the cover of 20 magazines. Then when you see them in a film it's hard to believe the character because you just see them everywhere.

Charlie Sifford
Charlie Sifford

I don't smile much, and I never laugh. If you'd been through what I've been through, you wouldn't be smiling, either.

Charlie Trotter
Charlie Trotter

Sometimes I think I should have chosen a line of work where it was just me alone in the room, with the sun coming in, and God, insofar as he or she exists, smiling down upon me. Then I would have never been accused of being a tyrant, other than towards myself.

Chen Guangbiao
Chen Guangbiao

Even though I am smiling, I have some suffering in my heart.