Chuck Schumer
Chuck Schumer

The vast majority of the people employed by Wall Street are the secretary who goes in to work on the Long Island Rail Road, who makes fifty, sixty, seventy thousand dollars a year.

Clive Bell
Clive Bell

We all agree now - by 'we' I mean intelligent people under sixty - that a work of art is like a rose. A rose is not beautiful because it is like something else. Neither is a work of art. Roses and works of art are beautiful in themselves.

Conor McGregor
Conor McGregor

I love money because I've earned it. I won sixty G's with my first knockout - and the week before, I was collecting social welfare.

Dana Ashbrook
Dana Ashbrook

I've always found that no matter how much you spend on a movie - you can spend sixty dollars or sixty million dollars - if the movie's good, it's good.

Daniel Boone
Daniel Boone

In this time the enemy began to undermine our fort, which was situated sixty yards from Kentucky River.

David Ogilvy
David Ogilvy

The secret of long life is double careers. One to about age sixty, then another for the next thirty years.

Dean Ornish
Dean Ornish

Whether you're six or sixty, if you go on a diet and lifestyle program and feel constrained, you're likely to go off it sooner or later. Offering a spectrum of choices is much more effective; then, you feel free and empowered.

Dino De Laurentiis
Dino De Laurentiis

It's a fantastic review. Sixty percent of the American reviews are sensational, 20% are mixed, not so good.

Donna Brazile
Donna Brazile

Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, it's time for us to take a hard look at the separate and unequal conditions that still exist in our schools and our communities and rededicate ourselves to fulfilling the promise of equal opportunity for all.

Ellen DeGeneres
Ellen DeGeneres

My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now, and we don't know where the hell she is.