Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

One of the things Baidu did well early on was to create an internal platform that made it possible for any engineer to apply deep learning to whatever application they wanted to, including applications that AI researchers like me would never have thought of.

Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

One of the things that Baidu did well early on was to create an internal platform for deep learning. What that did was enable engineers all across the company, including people who were not AI researchers, to leverage deep learning in all sorts of creative ways - applications that an AI researcher like me never would have thought of.

Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

Many researchers are exploring other forms of AI, some of which have proved useful in limited contexts; there may well be a breakthrough that makes higher levels of intelligence possible, but there is still no clear path yet to this goal.

Andrew Sean Greer
Andrew Sean Greer

I think I'm a terrible researcher. I find it very boring and frustrating, but the things you can find are better than what I could imagine. And when you find them, it's wonderful, and they don't feel artificial.

Andrew Weil
Andrew Weil

Dreaming is a phenomenon of purely individual consciousness, and consequently impossible to thoroughly deconstruct by a community of researchers. But dreaming matters.

Angela Duckworth
Angela Duckworth

We have found a direct correlation between grit and positive emotions, but the fact that I have no evidence that grit is bad for you doesn't mean it's not. It's always a possibility that in the future researchers will discover a downside to grit.

Angela Duckworth
Angela Duckworth

Many, many individuals will report starting to form their lifelong interests around adolescence. Why that is, researchers don't fully know. But if you can take a trip down memory lane and see what interested you, that's at least a clue as to where your interest may begin to develop.

Angus Deaton
Angus Deaton

My work shows how important it is that independent researchers should have access to data so that government statistics can be checked and so that the democratic debate within India can be informed by the different interpretations of different scholars.

Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter

I know that we've had a lot of immigration. How many immigrants are in prison? And what I found was - and I'm a fanatical researcher - what I found was a massive cover-up by both the government and the media in not telling us how many immigrants are in prison.

Charles Platt
Charles Platt

The idea of an e-book has been around since the late 1970s, when researchers at Xerox PARC got on the case. Their prototype used millions of little magnetic particles, black on one side and white on the other, loosely embedded in the surface of a soft sheet of rubber.