Gary Bauer
Gary Bauer

Having robbed children of any sense that their Father is in Heaven and that they are His creation, we then launched an experiment in raising them without earthly fathers too. Having neither a Father in heaven or a father in the home, many young men make gangs their families.

Gary Payton
Gary Payton

Seattle deserves a team. They got robbed of their basketball team.

George Combe
George Combe

They are few in the midst of an overwhelming mass of brute force, and their submission is wisdom; but for a nation like England to submit to be robbed by any invader who chooses to visit her shores seemed to me to be nonsense.

Hiro Murai
Hiro Murai

I've never been robbed in person, but I've gotten my car broken into a couple of times.

James A. Forbes
James A. Forbes

Civilizations may clash, but they surely fall if robbed of light from above. It could come from the 1 percent or the 99%, but a guiding light is needed to keep the United States from becoming the rubble of past great civilizations.

Jelly Roll Morton
Jelly Roll Morton

I have been robbed of three million dollars all told. Everyone today is playing my stuff and I don't even get credit. Kansas City style, Chicago style, New Orleans style hell, they're all Jelly Roll style.

John Boyega
John Boyega

Being robbed hurts - not physically, but from what it does to your pride.

John Edward Redmond
John Edward Redmond

Fraud, robbery, and murder have characterized the English usurpation of the government of our country. Why, for the last fifty years we have been robbed in the matter of taxes of hundreds of millions.

John Garfield
John Garfield

I wanted the attention I missed at home, so I became the leader of a gang. That way, I got attention and was recognized as being important. It wasn't a bad gang - you know, in poor districts in New York, there's a gang to every block. We never robbed at the point of a gun; we'd steal potatoes from a grocery store, or crackers.

John Gourley
John Gourley

Being robbed is a really great way of editing your belongings.