Andrew Lloyd Webber
Andrew Lloyd Webber

Musical theatre history is littered with bad reviews for now classic pieces.

Andrew Shaffer
Andrew Shaffer

Buying reviews of ebooks that include downloads is a well-known way to 'juice' an ebook's sales rank and attract new readers.

Andrew Zimmern
Andrew Zimmern

Yelp is - I mean, Yelp's not even good for looking up the restaurant's phone number because, you know, on the site, they just want you to read their reviews and look at their ads. They don't even actually want to give you the information about the restaurant or the menu.

Anne Reid
Anne Reid

'Downton' took a long time to catch fire in America, but we have been getting good reviews for 'Tango.'

Anthony Fantano
Anthony Fantano

At the end of the day, I would love for the artists that I give positive reviews to to continue coming out with music. That's ultimately what I want as a fan.

Anthony Fantano
Anthony Fantano

Every week, I'm faced with, and aware of, 10-14 different reviewable albums that, in a perfect world, I'd be able to pop a review out of. But I'm just one person who, while maintaining my sanity, can only do 5-6 reviews per week.

Anthony Fantano
Anthony Fantano

Anybody could put their thoughts on a record out there. I think the world of reviews and opinions is now very much a meritocracy.

Charles Murray
Charles Murray

I hate reading reviews.

Charlie Kaufman
Charlie Kaufman

I tend to not only read reviews, but also every little stupid thing online. It's a very bad idea, and there's a lot of angry people in the world. And it's weird to absorb all that weirdness.

Chellie Pingree
Chellie Pingree

For too long, the system has been biased in favor of oil and gas developers: sweetheart lease deals, generous subsidies and a regulatory process so slanted in favor of Big Oil that often permit reviews are simply waived.