Dolores Huerta
Dolores Huerta

I always saw my role as getting LGBT to support the immigrant rights movement - which they did - and getting Latino organizations to support the women's movement, for reproductive rights. So that's kind of the work that I've always been doing.

Garry Trudeau
Garry Trudeau

The systematic dismantling of reproductive rights, much like the takedown of collective bargaining, has been taking place in full view.

Havelock Ellis
Havelock Ellis

For every fresh stage in our lives we need a fresh education, and there is no stage for which so little educational preparation is made as that which follows the reproductive period.

Henry W. Kendall
Henry W. Kendall

We must... guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.

Isabella Lovin
Isabella Lovin

Sweden's development is based on the equal rights of men and women. We know that investments in gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights pay off.

J. B. Pritzker
J. B. Pritzker

I have been fighting to protect women's healthcare and reproductive rights for decades.

Jackie Speier
Jackie Speier

I don't know what these Republican congressmen drink that make them experts on women's reproductive health.

Jan Schakowsky
Jan Schakowsky

Reproductive health decisions should be made by a woman and her doctor. Any efforts to undermine women's reproductive rights must stop.

Janet Mock
Janet Mock

Reproductive rights are about body and medical autonomy: our collective and deeply personal right to choose what we want to do to/with our bodies. Trans people and feminists should be building natural alliances here.