Drew Pinsky
Drew Pinsky

I trust my recovering peers completely. I'll occasionally look sideways at them because they're addicts but it would break my heart and surprise me to find out that any of these people were lying. Still, addiction is cunning and baffling and you never know.

Drew Pinsky
Drew Pinsky

I, myself, have not infrequently come across recovering addicts years later that I had given up on. It is like seeing a ghost come to life. The transformations can be astonishing.

Elizabeth Edwards
Elizabeth Edwards

I'm a recovering lawyer. The practice of law has changed. Every agreement is a fight.

Elizabeth McCracken
Elizabeth McCracken

Remember that a woman who has given birth to a dead child has given birth and is recovering physically, too. Don't be afraid of grieving parents.

Emily Levine
Emily Levine

I am a recovering narcissist. I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. It is actually drearier than self-love; it is unrequited self-love.

Eric Davis
Eric Davis

I was hitting .360 when I was diagnosed. I didn't forget how to play while I was recovering. I don't know if the cancer is gone for good. I don't think anyone ever knows, but no one is going to steal my joy for as along as I'm able to play baseball.

Fantastic Negrito
Fantastic Negrito

I always call myself a recovering narcissist. I lived my life thinking everything was about me.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

I don't believe I'm a recovering alcoholic - I'm someone who used to drink. AA comes from a religious movement and that whole thing of 'I'm always burdened with this' and the original sin idea. It's not like that for me.

Gail Sheehy
Gail Sheehy

We have to move from the unbridled pursuit of self-gain at the expense of others to recovering appreciation for what we gain by caring and sharing with one another.

Geoffrey West
Geoffrey West

When I first saw California, it was extraordinary. Because I came from old, black, dark England, still recovering from World War II. I grew up with bomb sites everywhere.