Alice McDermott
Alice McDermott

Most of the characters I write with don't think an awful lot about their faith. They're not always questioning the church or feeling confined by the church or rebelling against the church.

Alice Roberts
Alice Roberts

Science is about questioning things.

Amber Tamblyn
Amber Tamblyn

Our show is less about a girl who is doing miracles and more about the domino effect of this girl's life, and how everyone else is affected. Our show seems to be a questioning show as opposed to an action sort of fairy tale.

Ami Ayalon
Ami Ayalon

Under questioning, a terrorist should be made to yield.

Amy Chua
Amy Chua

A Western upbringing tends to stress questioning authority, which is always asking why, why, why.

Amy Chua
Amy Chua

Questioning authority is, I think, a great thing to instill in children. I just didn't have enough of that when I was little.

Ana Navarro
Ana Navarro

Some Americans question Donald Trump's legitimacy as president. Others are angry any questioning occurs. Let's not forget that one of Donald Trump's claims to fame was precisely such questioning. He openly doubted the legitimacy - more than that, the citizenship - of President Barack Obama.

Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon

I think that people are most comfortable when the world is orderly. I think there's the sense that when you begin questioning basic distinctions, such as the distinction between being male and being female, it represents a threat to the social order.

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie

When I was younger, I was testing myself and questioning everything, but now it's less about that and more about these are the years of my life with my family.

Ann Hood
Ann Hood

For reasons I can't remember, my family eventually stopped attending church, and I started questioning the Catholic Church's beliefs. I dabbled a little, but nothing stuck.