Amy Ryan
Amy Ryan

I come from a working-class background in Queens, New York.

Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo

I'm a Queens boy at the end of the day.

Andrew Robertson
Andrew Robertson

Queens Park was amateur, so you do not get paid. You need to make a living, and for the first few years, when I was in the youth side, it was fine because I was still at school.

Anthony Scaramucci
Anthony Scaramucci

I'll tell you who he's going to be president of. You can tell Donald: the Queens County Bullies Association. You've got to cut it out now and stop with all this crazy rhetoric.

Anthony Weiner
Anthony Weiner

It's a nice neighborhood, like the one I left. My home borough is Brooklyn and Queens.


Tip your drag queens, bartenders, and don't rub your chopsticks together at the sushi restaurant. Also, just in general, don't be a dirtbag human.


I think any time we do drag, especially in 2018, it's a political statement. Because we're living in a world where people don't see drag queens as equal. They don't see queer people as equal. They don't see people of any minority as equal.

Chick Corea
Chick Corea

You'll find little schools of musicians experimenting with different ways of making music in Brooklyn, all through Manhattan, in Queens, in Jersey, you know? The city is still bubbling with creativity.

Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard

In late 2004, I left my much-maligned home state of New Jersey for the supposedly greener pastures of Astoria, Queens. I'd finally be in the mix, living off the subway line, able to go from audition to audition during the day and from late night show to late night show in the wee hours of the morning.

Chris Gethard
Chris Gethard

I moved to Queens from New Jersey in 2004 and have continued to stick with New York to such a degree that when people ask me to explain it, I'm sometimes unable to provide an answer.