Meir Kahane
Meir Kahane

It is incumbent upon us to understand our greatness and believe in it so that we do not cheapen and profane ourselves.

Mort Sahl
Mort Sahl

I didn't think that anything is beyond humor - not profane humor, but a good, honest approach to humor.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Writing is sacred, other activities are profane, and I don't want them to corrupt my writing.

Norman Schwarzkopf
Norman Schwarzkopf

War is a profane thing.

Paula Malcomson
Paula Malcomson

I try not to be too profane around children or old people. Other than that, that's how I speak.

Robert Englund
Robert Englund

I sat in the barber's chair in David Miller's makeup shop, hours and hours of trial and error. While David poked at me with his crusty brushes, I grew more and more profane. That's how I started to find the voice of Freddy.

Sabine Baring-Gould
Sabine Baring-Gould

History, whether sacred or profane, hides her teaching from those who study her through coloured glasses. She only reveals truth to those who look through the cold clear medium of passionless inquiry, who seek the Truth without determining first the masquerade in which alone they will receive it.

Saint Ignatius
Saint Ignatius

It is one thing to be eloquent and charming in profane speech, and another when the one speaking as a religious.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

King Arthur: How dare you profane this place with your presence!

Pretty Woman
Pretty Woman

Mr. Hollister: Just how obscene an amount of cash are we talking about here? Profane or really offensive?
Edward Lewis: Really offensive.
Mr. Hollister: I like him so much.