Donald Evans
Donald Evans

There are opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, the insurance industry, so yes back home we are talking about investment opportunities in Morocco for various sectors of our economy and we will continue to do that.

Donna Rice
Donna Rice

A month after the scandal broke, I tried to go back to work at the pharmaceutical company after a leave of absence. But because of all the publicity and resulting pressure and stress, I finally resigned.

Elizabeth May
Elizabeth May

I don't like protecting pharmaceutical industries and increasing their profits and making our drugs cost more. If the U.S. Democrats could get rid of those problems I'd be much happier.

Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich

I get thousands of emails. Half my work is environment-related; the rest is pharmaceutical problems. There's so much of it. No one law firm can handle it now.

Fawad Khan
Fawad Khan

I was born in Karachi, where my father used to work in the sales department of a pharmaceutical company. The nature of his job required him to travel, so we moved to Athens, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and Riyadh and then went to Manchester during the Gulf War, moving back to Lahore closer to my father's retirement.

Genesis P-Orridge
Genesis P-Orridge

Why is there no cure for cancer? Because the medical industry doesn't want one! And the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want one! Because they would lose too much money!

Harold E. Varmus
Harold E. Varmus

I keep encouraging the pharmaceutical companies to put more money into R&D.

Heather Bresch
Heather Bresch

I would say that the pharmaceutical industry is hyper-competitive from a global perspective.

Heather Bresch
Heather Bresch

The pricing of a pharmaceutical product is opaque and frustrating, especially for patients.

Jack Herer
Jack Herer

Well, as I understand it, the main supporters are beer companies and the pharmaceutical companies. I'd like them to show me the dead bodies from marijuana. But they can't because there aren't any.