Adam Yauch
Adam Yauch

I think the really significant part of it for us, for the western world, is we have a lot to gain from the Tibetans - there are certain lessons that are within Tibetan culture. I mean understandings of compassion and of nonviolence that are things that we really lack in our society.

Adolfo Perez Esquivel
Adolfo Perez Esquivel

We know that peace is only possible when it is the fruit of justice. True peace is a profound transformation by means of the force of nonviolence that is the power of love.

Al Sharpton
Al Sharpton

Demonstrations must be dignified and nonviolent, as the overwhelming protests in Ferguson and Staten Island have been. Do not confuse anarchists who don't want the system to work and thugs who want to exploit a situation with the majority who from day one have operated with impeccable nonviolence and clear goals.

Andrew Young
Andrew Young

One of the principles of nonviolence is that you leave your opponents whole and better off than you found them.

Ava DuVernay
Ava DuVernay

Nonviolence is pretty ballsy, pretty advanced weaponry.

Bernice King
Bernice King

If each of us works toward making a sincere effort when we wake up each morning with a renewed commitment and dedication to embracing nonviolence as a lifestyle, this world will become a better place, bringing us ever closer to the Beloved Community of which my father so often spoke.

Bernice King
Bernice King

Nonviolence will empower and equip us to bring generations to the table and fuse our knowledge, gifts, and zeal together.

Bernice King
Bernice King

Like my father, I believe that nonviolence is the antidote to what he called 'the triple evils of racism, poverty and militarism.' These three evils were consuming our hopes for community in 1964, and, fifty years later, we remain divided because of their festering effects.

Bernice King
Bernice King

Nonviolence as a lifestyle and perpetual strategy will allow us to be on the offense instead of continually on the defense. We will be able to move the ball down the field with team decisions and playmaking versus constantly thinking about how the opposing forces are moving the ball.

Bernice King
Bernice King

Choosing nonviolence does not mean that one will never get angry or become upset with others, including the ones we love.