Amy Grant
Amy Grant

Rich Mullins was the uneasy conscience of Christian music. He didn't live like a star. He'd taken a vow of poverty so that what he earned could be used to help others.

School of Rock
School of Rock

Freddy: I'm just saying, name two great chick drummers.
Katie: Sheila E.? Meg White from the White Stripes?
Freddy: [Freddy winces] She can't drum!
Katie: She's a better drummer than you! At least she has rhythm.
[Miss Mullins passes and realizes that Freddy has rolled up his sleeves and spiked his

Miss Mullins: Freddy! Where are your sleeves? And what have you done to your hair?
Freddy: It's called punk.
Miss Mullins: Well, it's not school uniform.
[She pulls his left sleeve down, and he turns away with a rebellious expression. Frankie, Michelle, and Eleni have observed this]

Frankie: Miss Mullins, you're the Man.
Miss Mullins: Thank you, Frankie!

School of Rock
School of Rock

Dewey Finn: [alerted that Miss Mullins is approaching, Dewey starts writing on the chalkboard] ... And therefore, E=MC2. Oh, Miss Mullins, come in.
Miss Mullins: I'm sorry to interupt but Miss Lemmons said she heard music coming from the classroom.
Dewey Finn: Music? Uh, music. I haven't heard any music. Uh oh, you know what, Miss

Lemmons must be on crack, right, kids?
Miss Mullins: Uh, well, what's that?
[Points at guitar]

The Heat
The Heat

Ashburn: [Leans in close to talk to Mullins after waking up in a bar] Hey, how ya doin'?
Mullins: Jesus, you've gotta get a mint in that dumpster.
Ashburn: Oh, God, was I smoking cigarettes last night?
Mullins: Yeah, you kept takin' 'em out of people's mouths and smoking them.

God, that's so nasty.
Mullins: It *was* pretty gross.

The Heat
The Heat

Ashburn: [Horn blows twice. A mini-van slowly drives up to Ashburn and Mullins as they are walking on the street. The van's windows are down, and the radio is blasting Boston's "More Than a Feeling" as the driver flips off Mullins] Who is... who is that?
Mullins: My mom.