A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

Many people have told me that once they learn of Madam Walker's accomplishments they are surprised, even embarrassed, that they have never heard of her. But they shouldn't be. Her extraordinary story was simply omitted from the history books.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

To her credit, Madam Walker discerned that black women wanted to conform to white Victorian models of beauty. She was aware of the double- sidedness of her products - helping black women appear more European in look, with straight hair - but she always maintained that she was simply selling products that promoted hair growth.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

For all my life, I've been trying to tell Madam's story and really it's a labor of love just to make sure people know about her and the empowerment she gave to other women.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

As one of the pioneers of modern hair care and cosmetics, Madam Walker is still an inspiration to a lot of people going into the business.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

As much as any woman of the twentieth century, Madam Walker paved the way for the profound social changes that altered women's place in American society.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

For many years Madam Walker was just a little footnote in history. As a woman who made haircare products, she was really consigned to something trivial.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

So Madam C.J. Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower, when applied after shampooing the hair more frequently, allowed women's scalp to be healthier and their hair to grow back. That was her most popular product.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

I've always been fascinated by Madam Walker's ability to use her money for political causes. I find her story so inspires people that it gives me great joy to share the story.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

Wearing your hair natural is a positive statement about who you are. It's not a protest to somebody else. It's affirming you.

A'Lelia Bundles
A'Lelia Bundles

If you wear your hair straight or natural, it's all fine with me. It doesn't mean that you aren't politically conscious or that you don't have good thoughts about progress.