Aaron Lazar
Aaron Lazar

I do remember the tour of 'Cats' in Philadelphia. I was 12 and had a stomach bug.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

I have all of the Apple products. Everything I've ever written, I've written on a Mac. My first computer, my roommates and I chipped in, and we got that first Macintosh - 128K. It had as much memory as a greeting card that plays music.

Abby Wambach
Abby Wambach

As professional soccer players, we take our bodies to the extreme. We're the people at the gym that look like we're breaking the machines. Pushing our bodies to the limits is what makes us so strong and capable and Olympians. It's not an easy thing to consistently do over and over again to your body.

Abhimanyu Singh
Abhimanyu Singh

I guess some characters always remain the same, and Macbeth is one of them.

Abhijit Banerjee
Abhijit Banerjee

The Korean government is the first to declare that if you replace people with machines you have to pay a tax. It's a tax on robots. They make private companies internalise the social cost of unemployment. Social benefit is not the same as private benefit. We have to realise this.

Abi Morgan
Abi Morgan

I love the intimacy of TV. I love the fact that you don't necessarily have the pressure of an audience or anyone around watching it - just you and it.

Abigail Johnson
Abigail Johnson

When everyone is running the machine, and it's all working, there's a tendency to look at the short term and focus on incremental opportunities and not look ahead to the really big opportunities.

Abigail Washburn
Abigail Washburn

Whenever I visited China in the past, the relationships always felt superficial; there was no time where I felt those moments of conflict and delight that make you feel close to another person. But since I started touring there in 2004, I would always collaborate with local musicians, and that opened up a new level of intimacy.


My specialties include macaroni and cheese and ordering Chinese-food delivery.


Unfortunately, like, homework and school wasn't the thing that I was obsessing over. It was, you know, music and making music and how to like - and drum machines. And we met Rick Rubin, and Rick Rubin had a drum machine. So I would just cut school and go to his house - his dorm room.