Aaron Tveit
Aaron Tveit

Singing for stage, if you don't hear yourself, that's when you push, and that's when you can hurt your voice sometimes. So if I can hear myself in my ear, it really helps me to find that balance of how loud I needed to be singing.

Abbey Clancy
Abbey Clancy

I always have my Laura Mercier foundation and concealer with me, and I love the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks. My favourite is shade 08, because it's just such a lovely natural colour with just a bit of pink to it.

Abbey Lincoln
Abbey Lincoln

It's a spirit that was given me and the relationships and meeting all these great people, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong; through Max I met a lot of people too. My first album was with Benny Carter.

Abbott L. Lowell
Abbott L. Lowell

You will not accept credit that is due to another, or harbor jealousy of an explorer who is more fortunate.

Abby Lee Miller
Abby Lee Miller

I hate what I look like on TV, and I want to look better, and nothing makes the mothers more jealous.

Abby Lee Miller
Abby Lee Miller

I think any activity you have your kids in, you're all trying to live vicariously through them. And you're jealous of the kid that's naturally more talented or has the facility, the body, the genes, or the God-given talent. People get jealous of that.

Abby Lee Miller
Abby Lee Miller

I have a little bit of PTSD when I hear a big bang or a loud noise or keys - I jump out of my skin.

Abdus Salam
Abdus Salam

Alfred Nobel stipulated that no distinction of race or colour will determine who received of his generosity.


Many people can rightfully claim, as much as anyone can rightfully claim anything, that much of their lives have been spent stumbling through a cloud of cluelessness.

Abhay Deol
Abhay Deol

With my social media posts on fairness creams, I felt really strongly that I needed to speak up about it because I think we can take baby steps. Colour and caste is engrained in our culture, but I don't think it should be applauded or packaged and sold.