Jackie DeShannon
Jackie DeShannon

Elvis was, at least the times I was around him, Elvis was a practical joker. He was always, had some little mischievous something going.

Jada Pinkett Smith
Jada Pinkett Smith

You can be committed to somebody because of ego: 'I said I was going to be with this joker for the rest of my life, so I'm just going to do it.' Or you can be committed because you have a deeply rooted connection.

Jake Paul
Jake Paul

I love Bane. I love the Joker. I love Batman.

Jake Paul
Jake Paul

I'd like to be a superhero or a supervillain in a huge action movie. I want to play, like, the Joker or something like that.

Jerry Robinson
Jerry Robinson

So once I thought of the villain with a sense of humor, I began to think of a name and the name "the Joker" immediately came to mind. There was the association with the Joker in the deck of cards, and I probably yelled literally, 'Eureka!' because I knew I had the name and the image at the same time.

Jerry Robinson
Jerry Robinson

So, I'm thinking of a name for a villain that has a sense of humor. I thought of 'The Joker' as a name, and as soon as I thought that, I associate it with the playing card, as my family had a tradition of champion playing; my brother was a contract champion bridge player. There were always cards around the house.

Jonny Weston
Jonny Weston

My dream role is to play in a story of how the Joker became the Joker, and I would play the young Heath Ledger.

Joss Whedon
Joss Whedon

'The Dark Knight,' for me, has the same problem that every other 'Batman' movie has. It's not about Batman. I think Heath Ledger is just phenomenal and the character of the Joker is beautifully written. He has a particular philosophy that he carries throughout the movie. He has one of the best bad guy schemes.

Lee Bermejo
Lee Bermejo

'Joker' was a violent, dark, and brutal book, so I wanted to do something a little less heavy. I played around with the idea of a children's book, and that eventually became 'Noel.' And I just kept finding these parallels between things I could do with Batman and Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol.'

Lee Bermejo
Lee Bermejo

I think you have to be crazy not to want to work on the Joker! I can't think of many characters, heroes or villains, that are as malleable as him. He really can be interpreted in so many different ways, and generally, people don't really want to scratch the surface because you can get into some really dark territory real fast.