Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson

I'm not against the government. I'm against this ever-expanding government that doesn't know its limits. And that's how I see the role of the attorney general, as someone in an office that can protect you and defend the Constitution and defend state sovereignty and our individual liberty.

Arthur Keith
Arthur Keith

The proper balance between individual liberty and central authority is a very ancient problem.

Bainbridge Colby
Bainbridge Colby

America stands for individual liberty, but that means an ordered liberty.

Charles Evans Hughes
Charles Evans Hughes

While democracy must have its organization and controls, its vital breath is individual liberty.

Dave Brat
Dave Brat

The political Right likes to champion individual rights and individual liberty, but it has also worked to enforce morality in relation to abortion, gambling, and homosexuality.

Dave Rubin
Dave Rubin

I firmly believe in individual liberty more than anything else. And that you have to live the life you want for yourself.

Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager

America will nurture a new Muslim - one who can believe in Muhammad and the Quran but who abandons belief in a Shariah-based state and affirms the primary American value of individual liberty, which has not been a normative Islamic value.

Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager

Hamas is a terrorist organization dedicated to annihilating the Jewish state. It runs a theocratic totalitarian state in Gaza, with no individual liberty, and no freedom of speech or press.

Friedrich August von Hayek
Friedrich August von Hayek

'Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.

Jack Kemp
Jack Kemp

Affirmative action based on quotas is wrong - wrong because it is antithetical to the genius of the American idea: individual liberty.