Donald McCaig
Donald McCaig

I am built funny. Picture Mark Twain's head on Ichabod Crane's body. Now hold your mental picture to the light and crumple it.

Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow

Katrina Anne Van Tassel: Good-bye, Ichabod Crane. I curse the day you came to Sleepy Hollow.

Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow

The Burgomaster: Constable Crane! This is a song we have heard from you more than once. Now, there are two courses open to me. The first, is to let you cool your heels in the cells until you learn respect for the dignity of my office...
Ichabod Crane: I beg pardon. But why am I the only one who can see that to solve crimes, we must use our brains, assisted

by reason, using up-to-date scientific techniques?
The Burgomaster: Which brings me to the second course. There is a town, two days journey to the north in the Hudson Highlands. It is a place called Sleepy Hollow. Have you heard of it?
Ichabod Crane: I have not.
The Burgomaster: An isolated farming community, mainly Dutch.

Three persons have been murdered there, all within a fortnight. Each one found with the head lopped off.
Ichabod Crane: Lopped off?
The Burgomaster: Clean as dandelion heads, apparently. You will take these experimentations of yours to Sleepy Hollow, and there you will detect the murderer. Bring him here to face our good justice. Will you do this?

Ichabod Crane: I will.
The Burgomaster: Remember, it is you, Ichabod Crane, who is now put to the test.

Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow

The Burgomaster: Remember it is you, Ichabod Crane, who is now put to the test.

Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow

New Yorker: Ichabod Crane, is that you?
Ichabod Crane: None other... Not only me... I have found something, which was lately a man.