Abraham Verghese
Abraham Verghese

When I use the word 'healing,' by that I mean that every disease has a physical element that we're very good at handling, but there's always a sense of the violation. 'Why me?' 'Why is my leg broken on the ski trip and not anyone else's?' And I think that medicine has done a terrible job of addressing that spiritual violation.

Aleksandr Lebed
Aleksandr Lebed

I counted on sixty days only, but I held out for 133. I didn't go into power, but to get power I borrowed some power from the President and made him sign a number of decrees and give me enough power to create a system capable of handling crisis situations.

Alice Hamilton
Alice Hamilton

From the first I became convinced that what I must look for was lead dust and lead fumes, that men were poisoned by breathing poisoned air, not by handling their food with unwashed hands.

Alissa Quart
Alissa Quart

Giftedness gives you this amazing tool kit for handling self-discipline and gives you an area of knowledge, but then it also gives you this weird set of aspirations.

Amanda Hocking
Amanda Hocking

I want to be a writer. I do not want to spend 40 hours a week handling e-mails, formatting covers, finding editors, etc.

Amy Jackson
Amy Jackson

I went to the U.S. to start my modeling career at a very young age. So, venturing into films and handling the pressure isn't a big task.

Amy Landecker
Amy Landecker

I feel like handling a narrative in fiction is a wonderful way to teach stories that then open a pathway to reality and understanding.

Andre Iguodala
Andre Iguodala

When you first come in the NBA, you have a lot of conversations about saving your money, financially educating yourself, not just trusting whoever it is handling your money, not just having those meetings once a year, and not really putting the effort into learning the same way you learn your craft on the court.

Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo

During Hurricane Sandy, we expended billions and billions of dollars, literally. In the handling of the emergency and the construction and the aftermath, trying to get people to come back to the affected communities. So I'm very proud of what the state did.

Chloe Bridges
Chloe Bridges

I never take storms as seriously as I should, which is probably not the way I should be handling it. I think it's to do with growing up in New Orleans and having a hurricane, like, once a week.