Christine and the Queens
Christine and the Queens

Before I created Christine, I was actually really girly. Maybe I was trying to hide something, but I was trying too hard to be a girl, and I didn't know what it meant. I was afraid of being myself.

Daisy Lowe
Daisy Lowe

I love a bit of nail art, I'm a girly girl.

David Nevins
David Nevins

I actually have very girly taste in television. I like a chicky relationship show probably more than anything. I really like 'Project Runway'.

David Shuster
David Shuster

If Michael Steele doesn't make you sad, well, then there's radio host Rush Limbaugh, no longer content with wanting the President to fail, Rush is now calling out Mr. Obama as a girly man.

Debby Ryan
Debby Ryan

More than anything, acting helped me discover who I'm not. I've learned that I'm a girly girl, but not a prissy girl.

Deborah Mailman
Deborah Mailman

I'm not a girly girl, never have been. I really admire those who love to frock up.

Doja Cat
Doja Cat

I'm a bit of a tomboy, but then a girly girl. And I feel like you can be both.

Dylan Lauren
Dylan Lauren

I was not a girly girl. I was a tomboy.

Elizabeth Reaser
Elizabeth Reaser

I don't connect to a certain girliness or talking about girly things - I feel unauthentic and uncomfortable in that world - maybe I'm just more butch than I realize! I have, however, been fortunate to have a number of great girlfriends. You don't meet as many girls as you do guys in my line of work, so I do cherish my friendships.

Elle Fanning
Elle Fanning

I like to be very girly, with bows and ruffles on the red carpet. I love pastel colours, especially blue. Me and my sister both because of our eyes look good in blues.