Alan K. Simpson
Alan K. Simpson

As a lifelong Republican who served in the Army in Germany, I believe it is critical that we review - and overturn - the ban on gay service in the military. I voted for 'don't ask, don't tell.' But much has changed since 1993. My thinking shifted when I read that the military was firing translators because they are gay.

Alexander Dreymon
Alexander Dreymon

I grew up a little bit in Germany and then in Switzerland, then in France, the United States and in England, and so it is weird.

Alexander Lukashenko
Alexander Lukashenko

The history of Germany is a mold for the history of Belarus.

Alexander Woollcott
Alexander Woollcott

Germany was the cause of Hitler as much as Chicago is responsible for the Chicago Tribune.

Alexis Ohanian
Alexis Ohanian

On my father's side, I'm descended from immigrants, one of whom was a Syrian refugee from the Armenian genocide, and my mother was an immigrant from Germany whose visa had expired and, for a year and change, was undocumented here in the U.S.

Alfred Jodl
Alfred Jodl

My most profound confidence is however based upon the fact that at the head of Germany there stands a man by his entire development, his desires, and striving can only have been destined by fate to lead our people into a brighter future.

Alfred Jodl
Alfred Jodl

My greetings to you, my Germany.

Ali Krieger
Ali Krieger

Germany is where I had to become a true professional. They play in big games when they are young. We could model some of our soccer system after what they do.

Alice Hamilton
Alice Hamilton

It was easy to present figures demonstrating the contrast between lead work in the United States under conditions of neglect and ignorance, and comparable work in England and Germany, under intelligent control.

Chris Jordan
Chris Jordan

One culture I find fascinating to juxtapose against American culture is the culture of Germany. They've gone through a long process through their art, poetry, public discourse, their politics, of owning the fact of their complicity in what happened in World War II. It's still a topic of everyday conversation in Germany.