Bill Gates
Bill Gates

One thing I've always loved about the culture at Microsoft is there is nobody who is tougher on us, in terms of what we need to learn and do better, than the people in the company itself. You can walk down these halls, and they'll tell you, 'We need to do usability better, push this or that frontier.'

Brad Stone
Brad Stone

I think it's a competitive advantage that both Amazon and Google and other tech companies have over a lot of their counterparts. They take big risks and are pioneering new markets with the promise of big rewards. It's why Amazon is kind of reliably starting new businesses and opening kind of new frontiers.

Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher

I found myself drawn to the remote Kimberley region of Australia - in the far Northwest corner of the country - our last frontier.

Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher

I found myself drawn to the remote Kimberley region of Australia - in the far Northwest corner of the country - our last frontier. I still can't explain why. I kept coming back over many years and started shooting material.

Brendan Fletcher
Brendan Fletcher

'Into The Wild' had a great sense of wild, unpredictable freedom that I loved, and 'Unforgiven' is just a great western with characters that walked the line between right/wrong with an ambiguity that felt very true to frontier life.

Brian Reitzell
Brian Reitzell

I think that this television medium, or whatever we call it now, is a really great frontier to turn people onto music - to new music or old music. It's a great platform where you've got people's ears, and you can throw something at them. I like to use it to the fullest that I can.

Bruce Beutler
Bruce Beutler

Autoimmunity is probably the next frontier. The majority of cases of autoimmune disease result from a complex genetic problem that has environmental influences. It is a colossal task for the immune system to maintain tolerance to self and yet be ready to react to everything in the world around us.

Bruce Boxleitner
Bruce Boxleitner

They've also asked me now to start on another series that we're gonna do after this Frontier Earth. But it's not science fiction, it's more in the Mystery and Crime division and that's another area I'm very interested in.

Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton

The planet's hope and salvation lies in the adoption of revolutionary new knowledge being revealed at the frontiers of science.

Burton Richter
Burton Richter

Modern science is fast-moving, and no laboratory can exist for long with a program based on old facilities. Innovation and renewal are required to keep a laboratory on the frontiers of science.