Howard Shore
Howard Shore

My first score for 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy, 'The Fellowship of the Ring,' was the beginning of my journey into the world of Tolkien, and I will always hold a special fondness for the music and the experience.

James Surowiecki
James Surowiecki

Besides great climates and lovely beaches, California and Greece share a fondness for dysfunctional politics and feckless budgeting.

Jeff Bewkes
Jeff Bewkes

I'm very committed to and interested in CNN's journalism and our magazines and our movie studio, not just HBO, where I grew up. But I do have a fondness for subscription television.

Jefferson Mays
Jefferson Mays

There was a lot of playing by myself, wearing last year's Halloween costume and wandering around the yard talking to myself - which may account for my fondness for doing different voices.

John B. S. Haldane
John B. S. Haldane

If one could conclude as to the nature of the Creator from a study of his creation it would appear that God has a special fondness for stars and beetles.

Jonathan Miles
Jonathan Miles

Anyone with a fondness for intricately flavored, carefully measured cocktails and entertaining at home knows how poorly the two mix.

Justin Hayward
Justin Hayward

America was the one territory where they didn't release 'Nights In White Satin' at the time it was made. It was about three or four months later, after 'Tuesday Afternoon,' so I think we have a special fondness for it.

Kehinde Wiley
Kehinde Wiley

I have a fondness for making paintings that go beyond just having a conversation about art for art's sake or having a conversation about art history. I actually really enjoy looking at broader popular culture.

Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick

In a weird way, I think I'm much better at oneshots than longform. So I try to focus on five or six-issue arcs. I have a real fondness for the one-shots because that's where I do my best storytelling.

Mark Cavendish
Mark Cavendish

I have a fondness for junk food - it still calls me, sometimes.