Akkineni Nagarjuna
Akkineni Nagarjuna

I believe you need films like that - feel-good, breezy films that families can watch.

Al Franken
Al Franken

When you win an election, what you really win is a chance to go to work for working families who need a voice in Minnesota.

Al Franken
Al Franken

The Minnesotans I talk to are really concerned about what the future holds for their families. They're trying to pay for health care and send their kids to college, they're worried about declining home values, they're scared for a loved one they have serving in Iraq.

Al Roker
Al Roker

All middle-income families use carbs to stretch meals, across any ethnic group - whether it's kugel or rice and beans or macaroni and cheese. I remember having pancakes for dinner. But as kids, we thought, 'Breakfast for dinner? This is great.'

Alan G. Poindexter
Alan G. Poindexter

I grew up in a Navy family, and like most service families, we traveled a lot and moved a lot. I grew up on both coasts and in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., in Rockville, Maryland, and have had a great time doing it.

Alan Gerry
Alan Gerry

Families used to come from somewhere, and that's where they stayed.

Alan Guth
Alan Guth

It was sort of assumed, from the time I was born, really, that I would go to college. That's sort of the way that Jewish families in New Jersey handled things; that was the norm.

Alan Jackson
Alan Jackson

Growing up in Georgia, I used to think people up north or out west were so different. They're really not. They're just regular people who live in small towns. They grow up and try to raise families and have a job and go to church and play softball. It's that way everywhere.

Alan Stern
Alan Stern

In science, we take large numbers of disparate facts and reduce them to see patterns. We use the patterns to reduce the amount of information. It's the reason we name species and genera and families in biology. It's also the reason we have names for certain types of geological features and so on in other fields.

Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson

The bottom line is that we cannot sit idle as unparalleled rules and regulations significantly restrict our rights and ability to care for our families.