Abdullah II of Jordan
Abdullah II of Jordan

I think it's almost impossible for any expert to predict for the rapid changes we see in the Middle East. They are rapid and they will continue for quite a while.

Adam D'Angelo
Adam D'Angelo

If you imagine your friend is recommending you content on a topic they're an expert on, they can do a really good job of that. They know what you're interested in, they know your personality, they know if you have a scientific type of mind-set or not.

Adam Grant
Adam Grant

When making decisions about people, stop confusing experience with evidence. Just as owning a car doesn't make you an expert on engines, having a brain doesn't mean you understand psychology.

Adam Mansbach
Adam Mansbach

It's hilarious to me that by writing an obscene fake children's book I am mistaken for a parenting expert.

Adam Neumann
Adam Neumann

I never had a traditional mentor. I know people who have been successful with a mentor, but I've never understood why I should limit myself to the knowledge and expertise of one person.

Adama Traore
Adama Traore

I have trained with expert sprinters many times and they all agree running with the ball and running without the ball requires two completely different techniques.

Adena Friedman
Adena Friedman

Many women try to advance in their careers by having all the answers; by being the go-to person for information and advice; or by building expertise in a particular field. However, as they progress, gain broader responsibilities, and grow into leadership roles, they realize that their span of control is too vast to be able to know every answer.

Ahmed Zewail
Ahmed Zewail

I am not one of the new media experts working all the time with my computers and the PowerPoints and things of that sort.

Ajit Pai
Ajit Pai

I'm not an IT expert myself.

Akio Toyoda
Akio Toyoda

People look at me and think I am an expert in the automobile industry, and I'm not.