Buddy Murphy
Buddy Murphy

One of my favorite things about traveling is experimenting with different workouts in different gyms. If I can't get to a Gold's Gym, and I'm stuck in a small hotel gym, and it's only got a medicine ball and a treadmill, how am I going to make sure I get a decent workout from this environment? I love that challenge.


There's this weird game called 'Blueberry Garden.' For that game an artist recorded some piano music, but evidently he only had a really terrible microphone on top of the piano, and I really liked it and wanted to experiment with that. So, I made piano recording and really mangled it, and kept experimenting with the technique.

Caitlin Moran
Caitlin Moran

I see feminism as a massive party. It's cool, the idea that 50% of the population can now start doing things and having fun and experimenting with their hair and makeup.

Chris Moneymaker
Chris Moneymaker

If you see me playing a $1/$2 no-limit on PokerStars, I'm probably experimenting with something, trying something new seeing how it works.

Christine and the Queens
Christine and the Queens

Because I'm experimenting so much with gender-bending and listening to everything that happens to me in terms of genderless energies, I have a hard time finding partners that can match me.

Christy Turlington
Christy Turlington

I was never directly pressured by peers, but by surrounding myself with others who were experimenting with smoking provided a certain false comfort.

Daisy Berkowitz
Daisy Berkowitz

Experimenting with different sounds is great, but when it comes down to it, you're still playing a guitar.

Dale Steyn
Dale Steyn

I want to keep experimenting and trying to change my game.

Damien Rice
Damien Rice

When I started off in music, I started with a real innocence, a real love for the instrument, the writing the songs, the playing the songs and the sharing and the recording and experimenting. It was exciting. Then, this thing called success came, and something happened at some point where I became disenchanted, and I lost the innocence.

David Archuleta
David Archuleta

I want to make sure that I make music that lasts. I've been experimenting. I've been writing.